Monday, January 2, 2012

Open NAT for you XBOX Live connections.

I have seen plenty of chatter of this subject, with sporadic answers so I will attempt to get this communicated properly. Most routers now have UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) which can solve most of your NAT (Network Address Translation) woes. DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) vs. Port Forwarding  vs. Port Triggering, what does this all mean? Setting a static IP on your XBOX and placing that IP in the DMZ setting will put your XBOX outside of your routers firewall.  This will speed up connections as the traffic to and from your XBOX will not pass through the firewall, however your XBOX will be outside the firewall. Port forwarding to that very IP will again improve the communication times.

Which approach should I take and why?
(note: This information is designed as a general guide and assumes a certain level of technical competence and familiarity with routing functionality. For details on your specific router please consult your router manufacture.)

First take note of the XBOX ports:
88 UDP
3074 Both (UDP & TCP)
53 Both
80 TCP
1863 Both

If you have a single XBOX, a router that does not support UPnP, then you will probably want to put your XBOX in the DMZ and turn on port forwarding.
  1. Set a static IP in your router for your XBOX
  2. Navigate to your DMZ settings in your router. 
  3. Enable DMZ
  4. Select ANY or ALL Source IPs
  5. Enter the static IP you set in step 1 as the Destination IP. 
  6. Navigate to your router's port forwarding. 
  7. Using the guide above create entries for each port mentioned, forwarding to the static IP created in step 1 and enable each entry. 
My router supports UPnP. 
  1. Typically in your routers administrative section, enable UPnP
  2.  If available 'Allow users to configure UPnP' and 'Do Not Allow Users to Disable Internet Access'
  3. In Security and/or Firewall settings Enable or Allow: Filter Anonymous Internet Requests, Filter Multicast, Filter IDENT (Port 113) and Disable or Block Filter Internet NAT Redirection. 
This may or may not be enough to solve communication/host related NAT issues. In some cases after enabling UPnP you may have to also configure port forwarding. It is possible to configure port forwarding to an XBOX not in the DMZ just following the steps above excluding the steps for the DMZ. 

But I have two XBOXes/My pals come over with their XBOXes and they have NAT issues, how do I foward the ports to their XBOX as well? 

Port Triggering is your answer. 
  1. Navigate to your router's port triggering settings
  2. Create and enable entries from and to the port ranges listed above. 
When traffic hits the ports the router will remember the IP address of the device and route the traffic accordingly.  

I recommend setting static IPs on your XBOX(es), Enabling UPnP, and Enable Port Triggering. This will solve your NAT woes, and when your pals come over with their box they will be clear of the issues as well. 

Game on!


  1. an update to this post and a much more efficient way of doing things when you have multiple devices you want in your dmz. Get an old BEFSR41 and configure it to get its ip from your router, set the mac or ip in your dmz and put your xboxes in the old router. works like a charm.

  2. Hey, I have some races going on in Moab Utah. I think you might like to know about them. Email visit.moab.utah @gmail and I will share those with you. (I couldn't otherwise reach you through Linkedin or here, sorry.)
